
Friday, May 11, 2012

Swotd, Part 11: One year down

Just like the title says: I survived my first year at Harvard! I turned my last two term papers in just now, so I'm free until the end of June, when Latin starts. Time to get something published!

Final word count: 49,951
Final page count: 182 (double-spaced, 12-pt, Microsoft Word, lots of pictures. Which are called 'Figures' when you're a big important music theorist...)
Footnotes: 197

Counting the book review and final project from Suzie's class as one regular sized term paper (which together, they basically are), my average paper is 8,325.166 words or 30.333 pages long, and has 32.888 footnotes. #nerd

The workspace today is my desk at my part time job, where I'm an office assistant in the Molecular and Cell Biology Department. Nobody's here because it's the Center for Brain Science retreat today, so I'm pretty much having a Tom Cruise Risky Business kind of afternoon...

Sentence(s) of the Day is one of the last passages I wrote in my Sound Studies paper:

It is thus hardly surprising that Lloyd Adams Noble believes that the selections in Songs of Harvard belong vividly “to Harvard, to the stadium, to the torch-light progression, and to commencement-day,” because, in a sense, they literally do belong to those locations and events. As “aides-memoires,” as DeNora calls them, the songs in Noble’s book bear traces of memory, for him and for his intended audience. This accounts for the intense popularity of college songs, then as now: they offer a glimpse of our treasured past. 

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